Yeah,moi.This blog is so out-dated,im busy all these days after upsr.Because i planned to hang out every single day.Can't find any time out to update.& of course im lazy to update too.and MarcusWeeeeee,haven even halp me.wth.i waited for so damnit longggg.badbad guy.I was so fricking tired today,practise singing at school today ( almost the whole time ) perform for the headminitress,but rejected because they does'nt wants a modern dance,they wants a traditional dance.IHateIt.Now,left me and yee jun are going to perform, we gotta show the headminitress again tomorrow to confirm in or not,if we're rejected tomorrow.Our class would have no performance by the graduate day.watthehell.Now,found a piano cover of terrified,not so hard to sing,stil can follow,so im gonna ask chris to try it.Now,im really tired after practised singing,basketball. & jogging.OffToBed.
wait,i wanna show up something.
justin bieber's song, never say never.
Hey ! he said twice.watthehell.