Hey humans :D
i'll talk a lil' part of yesterday right now.
soso,yesterday i went 1U watched a movie,PHUA CHU KANG its a freaking funny movie "dont playplay !
I watched it till 1 30 am.butbut..im not tired at all cos its freaking funny.before watching it,i went to a shop and i bought a wallet for jag. :D hope he'll like it :D & went to chili's to have a dinner.I ate Mushroom Jack Fajitas :) freaking tasty.yums :)P
now,talkbout today :D
i woke up like freaking early cos my dad asked me to go KL to have my breakfast.its wtv "BAK KUT TEH "
i was like is'nt that a traditional food?i think its not but i dont like it.seriously.MEAT!!! ewwewwwewww..but i stil ate it ( a little ) but it's actually quite nice after i ate a little of it.
then,went to CURVE and watched another movie
AFTERSHOCK!!! some people cry when they're watching it.its quitequite nice.after watching,its already 5 30.the movie last for 2 and a half hour.LONGGG!!then,we bought a new basketball.:) ate spaggheti too.
so now,facebooking at station one.while steve and nick is singing.they sang freaking nice <3 and later basil is gonna sing <3
now,im gonna do my homework , i'ved not done it YET . actually i never even touch it after school till now.teachers gonna kill me.there's freaking alot of homework.imma gonna gone CRAZYYYY !
To prevent get scolded,i better do it now.
Byeeee :)