ILY-i would love to say this to someone. i guess only serene will know who is it.;)
its wroten for someone special :)
Three little gohsts-sarah,sophia & serene :)
So,that was the pictures we took yesterday.at the library & sophia's house.there's stil lots more but serene did'nt upload it .So,gonna post after she upl,oad.& there's some pictures took today of serene and me.quite weird.cos she captured me when im not looking.its like im purposely posing.butbut..i like it :D
so now,as usual,@ station one listening to basil, nic, a guy which i'd forgot his name , mike and a new little guy singing.nic is actually not gonna sing today but hav no idea he suddenly wanted to sing so he went up to sing on the stage.it's quite weird.& after seing the pictures,feel anything?jealous?haha,i better go,my brother scolding,baibai :) stil listening & enjoying in it. :)